泰美殿 Orchid Thai Massage

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泰美殿 Orchid Thai Massage

Opening hours

Unit 26A , 3/F No.28 Russell Street
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 999077
Our Booking Policy如果您要預約2次。請在同一個預約賬戶中分別進行2次不同的預約,以免錯過您的預約。 我們將通過 Whatsapp確認預訂
If you would like to make a reservation for 2. Please kindly make 2 different appointments independently in the same booking account. We will double-confirm the appointment via Whatsapp.



Orchid Thai Massage at Russell Street, Causeway Bay was grandly opened in April 2019. For office workers, business travellers and tourists to release pressure. Provide a comfortable atmosphere and a series of traditional Thai massage, allowing you to relax, drive away muscle fatigue in the fast-paced city. Comfort your whole body and mind.

泰美殿為上班一族,商務旅客和遊客釋放壓力。 提供舒適的氛圍和一系列傳統泰式按摩,讓您在快節奏的城市中放鬆身心,消除肌肉疲勞 。

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